Why wildswimming AND lifecoaching?

Wild Swimming and Life Coaching, a beautiful partnership

I’m now three months into being fully self employed in my dream business and I have learnt more about myself than I could have imagined. Some of my money mindset issues have risen rapidly to the fore, along with a sense of anxiety about being able to provide for myself. I’m also getting used to structuring my own time, tuning into my own rhythms and learning about what to prioritise. What a wild adventure indeed, and I know that none of it would have been possible for me personally without wildswimming and seeing a life coach. They allowed me the space and time to get really clear on what matters to me, where I can compromise, and where I can’t and won’t. Over the last few years I have reined in my people pleasing tendencies and learned about healthy boundaries. I am able to have compassionate conversations with the different parts of myself and let them know that an actual adult is now in charge.